Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I lost my comfort zone

I'm taking a break from what I'm doing right now.

Our church is hosting a ladies retreat next weekend, which I'll miss because I have to go to Ohio with Ethan and the Children's Choir. That right there is a whole other story!
Anyhow, I can't go to the retreat, but I was asked to call around to different businesses and ask if they would like to donate something for a door prize.


I don't like to ask for things from people. I am way out of my comfort zone with this. I think I'm breaking out in hives. (kidding) I get all tongue-tied and sound so blah!

But I'll do it. I'll do my part with a happy heart.

Yes, I know that rhymes.

Well, back to the calling. I need to be done so that I can go get the kids from school. They tend to frown upon leaving them there all night!


Mary@notbefore7 said...

Praying God blesses your time calling in abudance for the retreat attendees.

Not a fun chore, but glad you are approaching it as best as you can.

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

Oh, that would be absolutely tortuous for me. Way out of my comfort zone as well!

I'll say a prayer that is goes quick & that everyone wants to give!

Fran said...

I HATE IT TOO!!! I will not ask you for a dollar, much less something else.

I hope it went well and you were blessed more than you thought!

Hugs! And, Congrats!

groovyoldlady said...

Eeeew. I know how you feel. In order for the hubby and i to ride in the Trek Across Maine we MUST raise $500 each for the American Lung Association. No fun, but very necessary and for a good cause.

"Etan and the Children's Choir" would be a good name for a rock band. Well, maybe not...maybe a folk or country band.

Alana said...

I hate that, too, but just think of how the ladies will be blessed by your efforts!

Anonymous said...

I am so much the same way. I could give you $25 bucks without batting an eyelash if I had it and knew you needed it. On the other hand, I couldn't ask you for 25 cents if I were short a quarter.