Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to Linda, I had this awesome cookie recipe that I used on Wednesday to make Valentine's Day cookies with the kids. We really did have a great time rolling out the dough. Ben had flour, or powder (in his words), all down the front of him. Sarah and Alanna had fun learning how to cut out the cookies.
Ethan was at basketball practice and Kenny could have cared less about baking! Kenny and Alanna come to our house three days a week, after school. They are two of the best kids ever.
All of the kids took turns rolling out the dough.
I just thought that this was a really sweet, fun picture. They all worked together so well.
Here's the finished product. They look amazingly like the ones on Linda's blog.
This was Sarah's favorite one. She wanted me to mark it so that nobody else would eat it.
Tomorrow I have three parties to do at the school. This is the last one for the year and the last one for Ethan. He will be in middle school next year and that's a whole nother issue all together!


Fran said...

Yes ma'am...those cookies look just like Linda's!!! I'm most impressed. The pictures are adorable.

Happy Vday and enjoy those parties.

Anonymous said...

Those cookies turned out so cute!
Have fun at the parties:D

Anonymous said...

Yummy! They look fabulous!

We are going to try it after school, along with a heart shaped homemade pizza for dinner!

Happy Valentines Day!

Alana said...

I want some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

YUM! Looks like fun!

Have a great time.

jennwa said...

Those cookies are great. They look so yummy!!!!