Somehow I ended up on the very top riser (8 steps high) and I was feeling a little light headed and was hoping that I didn't fall of the back because it was a LOOONNGGG way down!! I made it through. It was so exciting.
Oh, and I would have pictures, except my hubby forgot the camera. He had a good excuse though. When he stopped at the house to get it, he walked in and the dog had been in the trash and on the table (what?) and had knocked over garlic butter and it was a mess.
Fun times in our home last night, fun times! By the way, anyone want a poodle??
Did I mention I have to have music when I cook? I love music and I usually end up doing some dancing to and from the sink, stove and fridge. Please tell me that someone out there does that too...Alana maybe?Suzi? Oh well, if you don't then you need to try it. It's great. This is what I was listening to:
I love this CD. It has some really good Christmas dancing- around -the -kitchen tunes on it. The whole thing is wonderful. I got it here. Their new CD is really good too.
This is actually the cook in the family. He's better at it than I am. He's a really good candy thermometer reader too! And boy, can he stir! (he doesn't dance though)
That was pretty much an hour out of my day. I actually got some wrapping done this afternoon.
What? What's that light I see? Oh, it's the end of the tunnel--yeehaw!
You are so fun!
I so want to lick the spoon...or eat the whole pan of peanut butter fudge...yum!
I don't have to have music when I cook, but it is nice. And I might occasionally dance around the kitchen when I do have music playing ;-)
"I take no hooey from anyone" director's are the best!
I play music in the kitchen too and I always dance around with the boys they love it!! They really love to all hold hands and go in circles until I am so dizzy!
Sometimes I dance around while they're eating and they yell "stop it mommy!" I guess I'm a pretty bad dancer:)
So what is that yummy cake you made? Peanut butter and fluff cake...I guess!
You looked so pretty in that picture!
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