We took the school kids on a trip to the pumpkin patch last week and they had a ball! We got to go through a corn maze, pick out a pumpkin, go on a hayride, play and learn about corn, soybeans, bees, and so much more.
the biggest thing that we learned was that it is MUCH colder out in the country than in town! Some kids didn't bring jackets and they were feeling the wind a little more than others!
But even with that challenge, it turned out to be a beautiful day on the farm.

These pictures are so out of order, but I don't have the time to rearrange, so we'll just have to deal. :)
The kids had fun trying to rope a "cow".

I'm not too sure what Ben is trying to rope here....the "cow" or his friend N!

One of our favorite stations was the tube slide.

Who knew that a box of corn would keep kids so happy? Do you know how much money I could have saved in toys? ;)

Even the older kids got into the corn. They loved it!

Everyone took a turn or two at the hay jump.

hay bale maze was a hit with them, too.

After a hayride through the cornfield, we got to pick our perfect pumpkins.

We had a great lesson taught on chickens

During the bee demonstration, Ethan had a bee land on his hand. I couldn't believe he didn't freak out!

This picture is at the entrance to the corn maze. We were able to take a short tour through with a guide. Wow. I would get so lost in there!
What a fun day! And I'm so glad your niece is better! Praise God!
We'll be doing all of this, this weekend. Should take our mind off 'things'
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