Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tree Climbing

Eric had a ballgame a couple of weeks ago and the kids found this tree to climb.
It was perfect for climbing and getting pictures.
But wait, what's that I hear...
Mooooommmmmyyyyy...hey mom, I'm stuck...
"Hang on Ben, let me get the camera."
He was a little less than happy with me! That's what happens when you have a mom that blogs!


Shelley said...

"Wait! I have to get a picture!", is a phrase my kids hear a lot too! :)

Someday they'll appreciate it. Right?

ocean mommy said...

We blogging mom's sure are camera happy aren't we?! Looks like a great tree climbing tree.

I LOVED seeing your profile over at the Fiesta blog....can't wait to hug your neck!!!

See you soon,

Fran said...

I totally get it! Did you save the day and let him jump right into your arms?? Where's the picture of you both lying on the ground?! :)

E. Tyler Rowan said...

Too funny - I would've done the exact same thing!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Oh poor guy...LOL! Hope mommy put that camera down and rescued him...hehehehe!