Hello All! It's been a long time! We've been busy, busy, busy up here in the north. I hope you are prepared to see lots of pictures because, well, you about to.
I will start off this post with a prayer request for our niece, Zadyn. She is very sick and had to have an appendectomy today. Her appendix is believed to have burst around Thursday. She is on the mend, but will be going through a long healing process. Please pray for her and her family, specifically that she will not pull any of the tubes out that are bothering her. She has a central line for meds and she is not too fond of it! She is 3 years old.

Next, I will tell you that I made my first round of cinnamon rolls ever. Have I told you this already? Man, I can't remember! I guess I could look back, but I won't. :) These rolls turned out surprisingly well.

We even let the kids get up and eat a little bit before they went to sleep. How mean to make them smell them baking and then not letting them taste!

Fast forward to about a week or two ago.....after 3 years, yes...3 YEARS....I finally got the windowsill painted! When we painted our house a few years ago, we left the air conditioners in so that we wouldn't get too hot. WELL, my thought was that I would paint where the air conditioner was after we took them out for the winter.
That so did NOT happen!
So, 3 years later my husband brings in the paint and says, "Look what I found!"
Well, to make a long story short, the windowsill is finally painted. :)

Ok, what's next?
Oh yes, last Thursday was had our Youth Pastor and his family over for dessert and games. We had fun talking smack to one another while we played some game that I don't even know the name to. In the end, the men were victorious (whatever) :P.
The kids were thrilled to get a chance to hold the newest addition to our youth pastor's family. He's so precious.