Friday, August 14, 2009

The Best Deal in My 34 Years!

School will be starting for us on Monday, so this has been one busy week for us, er, me. My husband ALWAYS has busy weeks. I am fortunate enough to not have to have busy weeks all the time. What a blessing! :)

Anyway, I have been putting off getting my shoes for work (school) all summer. I knew that I needed some, but I just put it off. Mostly because I am too cheap to spend too much money on, well, ANYTHING!

Well, I decided last night was the night to go and accomplish this task. After all, I did have a $10.00 coupon from Pen.ney's, so I HAD to use it and thought I might as well use it on my shoes. I made my way to the clearance rack (of course) and found some cute, black, somewhat flat shoes. They had just enough heel to not be totally flat, but not so much that my toes are going to hate me by the end of the day. :) I looked at the price and they had been marked down from $50 to $9.97...great deal!
I looked around some more, and they had another pair in brown. I decided that I would get those, too. My total for both pairs would be about $10, after my coupon. I could handle that. :)
So I went to check out and the sales clerk rang up the first pair....$5.88! I asked, "Is that right?" To which she replied, "Um, yep. Great deal, huh?" My total was $12.10!
So after my coupon, I paid.....drum roll please......$2.10 for two pairs of shoes!!! That's 2 dollars and 10 cents!! Can you believe that?
I was so thankful for that because, truthfully, with school tuition and a possible India trip in my future (oh yeah, have I told you about that yet?), any amount of money that we don't have to spend is a blessing! :)

Hope everyone's back-to-school days are going well!


Tasha said...
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Shelley said...

Wow! I love love LOVE it when I get great deals! Especially when things are tight, like now! :) Have a great start to your school year with your awesome new shoes!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Our God will supply all our needs, even shoes for work. A great big Ozarks Yaaaa-hooo on your great deal. This farm chick loved the pictures of the sleeping beauties in the post below. Have a wonderful school year and a blessed day.

Profbaugh said...

You my dear, are a woman after my own heart. Two pairs of shoes for $2.10? Woo Hoo!! You go girl. Celebrating the small, but wonderful things God provides.
