Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Have you ever wondered...
...what would happen if you had to get something out of your vehicle that was parked in the street and it had been snowing, sleeting and raining that day and then someone drives by, through the slush, just a little too close to you?
You would probably look something like this:
I could only laugh...because really, what else could I do? I think I am wiping the slush off of my face in this shot. :) Fun times.
Merry Christmas!

You would probably look something like this:
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008
It'll be here and gone before we know it
*I'm not sure what's up with blogger, but the pictures didn't line up right at all.
Sorry... just pretend that everything looks like I knew what I was doing! *
I am going to write this post in reverse. I am going to start with today and work back to Friday.
Well, I'll tell you.
I don't want to rearrange my pictures, that's why. :)
Anyway, today has been a fun day. Tonight we had some friends over for pizza and games. I didn't take any pictures though. Which brings me to this: I FOUND MY CAMERA!! Yea!!
But still, no pictures from tonight...
This afternoon we gave O her Christmas gifts. She had fun trying to eat the wrapping paper and my kids had fun unwrapping her presents for her! We are going to miss that little booger.

In the morning service, the choir and a cast performed "The Richest Family in Town", a cantata by Garlock & Hamilton. Ethan played the part of Sammy in the play. We were very proud of him, as he had to memorize many lines. I sang in the choir, and Ben and Sarah sang in the children's choir. We have a very active church and we love being a part of it.

We also got to spend the afternoon and evening with some very dear friends. It was so fun to be able to just be together, go back to church, and then join together again for a few more hours. What a blessing to have such times to make fun memories.
Sorry... just pretend that everything looks like I knew what I was doing! *
I am going to write this post in reverse. I am going to start with today and work back to Friday.
Well, I'll tell you.
I don't want to rearrange my pictures, that's why. :)
Anyway, today has been a fun day. Tonight we had some friends over for pizza and games. I didn't take any pictures though. Which brings me to this: I FOUND MY CAMERA!! Yea!!
But still, no pictures from tonight...
This afternoon we gave O her Christmas gifts. She had fun trying to eat the wrapping paper and my kids had fun unwrapping her presents for her! We are going to miss that little booger.
Ethan still had school today and he was supposed to go tomorrow too, but due to a little plumbing issue at the church, he is officially done until January. The kids were terribly upset....yeah, right!
Yesterday was a big day at church. Last night we had Family Night and all three of the kids played the piano. Sarah and I sang a duet. I originally said I would sing with her so she wouldn't get scared. Um, she was SO not scared. Actually, I was probably more nervous than she was. No, I was definitely more nervous, especially when I figured out that we forgot our music. We made it through without it though. Whew!
I thought that I had all three kids' pictures on here, but I didn't get Ethan's. It looks just like the other two... but with Ethan at the piano. :)
We also got to spend the afternoon and evening with some very dear friends. It was so fun to be able to just be together, go back to church, and then join together again for a few more hours. What a blessing to have such times to make fun memories.
Again.... no pictures from that. Sorry. I am giving my friends a break from the flash. It's tough to be friends with a Blogger/Facebooker!
On Saturday, we had a super long, wonderful practice at church for the cantata. We had a good time of singing, and fellowship with one another. I love my church family.
After practice, I went to some friends' house to help them paint. They have accepted a pastorate about 40 minutes from here and will be moving here for good in a few short weeks. Right now, they are driving 4 hours one way every weekend to be here on Sundays. I pray for their safety as they travel. We have grown to love them and are excited that they will be closer.
On Friday, we woke up to no power. That continued for about 6 hours and everything was covered in ice. We made it until about 9 without coffee and then we decided that we were going on a coffee hunt. Eric found one gas station with power, but it's coffee maker was broken...ouch.
He stopped by and picked us up and we head off to the other side of town in a desperate search for some caffeine. We found one more station with power...
...and COFFEE!! Score!!
We got four cups (large ones) of coffee and headed off to our pastor's house. We knew they would be needing the coffee! We ended up spending a good part of the day there. Eric, Pastor, and the two older boys spent most of that time cutting up a tree that fell on their garage roof. Michelle and I found that the best place to be was right next to the fireplace, amen?
No electricity equals no furnace...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tis The Season
Well, I've lost my camera once again and I can't post pictures of my ornament that I received from Brittany for the Siesta Ornament Exchange. I have been looking everywhere for it. Sigh.
I feel like I have failed terribly at this blogging thing lately. Honestly, I have been spending any extra time on Facebook and I have been updating things there.
I will be back as soon as I can find my camera, wrap presents....well, in some cases I actually still need to BUY the presents, help with a few class parties, make a few goodies, go to a couple of concerts, sing in a Cantata and help my oldest get his lines down for the play that is included in that. Somewhere in there I am taking care of children, cleaning my house, and doing laundry. :)
I have been blessed with much. I am busy, but I am thankful for it. Have a great Wednesday!
I feel like I have failed terribly at this blogging thing lately. Honestly, I have been spending any extra time on Facebook and I have been updating things there.
I will be back as soon as I can find my camera, wrap presents....well, in some cases I actually still need to BUY the presents, help with a few class parties, make a few goodies, go to a couple of concerts, sing in a Cantata and help my oldest get his lines down for the play that is included in that. Somewhere in there I am taking care of children, cleaning my house, and doing laundry. :)
I have been blessed with much. I am busy, but I am thankful for it. Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Have I ever mentioned...
that I can play a mean E# and F on the tone chimes? (at least I think that's what I played!)
I don't know how I let that slip by. ;)
Anyway, I have really enjoyed getting to play in the tone chime choir at church. I would try to explain it to you, but I think you might get more from just watching it. All of the red sweaters blend together, but I am the 4th one in from the left. :)
"Lead Me To Calvary"
Please Pray
Prayers have been answered! Please keep praying, as there is much to figure out for them.
God is good, all the time.
This is an urgent prayer request for a missionary family that our church supports. Please pray for the Judd family as they are facing a very, very difficult trial right now. I am not able to give any details, please just pray for them.
Thank you.
Prayers have been answered! Please keep praying, as there is much to figure out for them.
God is good, all the time.
This is an urgent prayer request for a missionary family that our church supports. Please pray for the Judd family as they are facing a very, very difficult trial right now. I am not able to give any details, please just pray for them.
Thank you.

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sweetness Under The Tree...
I came home the other day and found the cutest little baby girl under my tree, batting at Jiminy. She was just giggling and smiling, so I thought I would share the cuteness with you!
Friday was a hard day for me, as I had to tell baby girl's mommy that I would not be able to watch her after December.
I have been blessed with a new job at the school at our church that I am very excited about. I have been volunteering there all year and will be an official staff member starting in January. Although I feel that this is the right move for us, I will miss baby girl very much.
Friday was a hard day for me, as I had to tell baby girl's mommy that I would not be able to watch her after December.
I have been blessed with a new job at the school at our church that I am very excited about. I have been volunteering there all year and will be an official staff member starting in January. Although I feel that this is the right move for us, I will miss baby girl very much.
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's an award....and some other stuff

As part of this award, I guess I am supposed to answer a few questions:
Answer the following questions with single word responses. (or, if you're like me, answer them with as many words as you want!)
1. Where is your cell phone? pocket
2. Where is your significant other? recliner
3. Your hair color? blond
4. Your mother? -home
5. Your father? home
6. Your favorite thing? laptop (surprised? Didn't think so!)
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? debtless (is that a word?)
9. The room you’re in? living room
10. Your hobby? blogging (hello??) Facebook is up there, too. (Please refrain from telling me how completely sad that is...)
11. Your fear? Hmmm.... writing my fear on the www?? :)
12. Where do you want to be in six years? You know what I just thought of? I will have a 17 year old in six years. SCARY.
13. Where were you last night? parents
14. What you’re not? confident (shocking, isn't it?)
15. One of your wish list items? Life Application Bible
16. Where you grew up? Indiana
17. The last thing you did? read to the kids (Boxcar Children)
18. What are you wearing? pj's
19. Your T.V.? football
20. Your pet? sleeping
21. Your computer? on (duh)
22. Your mood? good
23. Missing someone? yep
24. Your car? Villager
25. Something you’re not wearing? necklace
26. Favorite store? Cato
27. Your Summer? great
28. Love someone? yep
29. Your favorite color? purple (dark, not light)
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today (and no, not because hunting season is over! ;))
I love every single blog that I read...um, that's why I read it! I think I am going to pass this award along to my San Antonio roomies; Fran, Jenny, Steph and Teri. I miss you all. I think of every single one of you daily...and I finally got my "pray" ring! Can you believe it was discontinued? My friend that I ordered them from searched high and low to find one for me. Bless her heart, she's a great friend!
I got to see a friend of mine last night that I have not seen in (gulp) 20 YEARS! Did you hear that? 20 Y-E-A-R-S!! Seriously, am I old enough to not see somebody for 20 years?
Just in case you didn't catch that....20 years. sigh. double sigh.
Anyway, I will post about that after I snag the picture from my mom's camera. We took the picture around midnight, so I'm sure it's wonderful.
Have a beautiful Tuesday.

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